Annoy the blue guy
You personally knew a few unfortunate fellas who died exactly like this. But you like taking risks, so you descide to pick on this pumped five-eyed douche, against any survaival instincts you have.
HARRY: Hey you!
HARRY: I'm talking to you, spider-eyes!
LAZURE: Huh? What a wonderful day today, soot came to me on it's own, for it's demise?
HARRY: Nopes! I came here to tell you that you're a big dummy!
LAZURE: You are amusing. Foolishly brave.
LAZURE: Or so stupid, that you don't even understand the danger?
HARRY: Wrong and Wrong! I'm a strong boy!
HARRY: If i need to, i can kick your butt!
LAZURE: So you're stupid after all.
LAZURE: Allow me to show you, just how incapable you are.